Strengthen Your Spiritual/Material Balance, And Embrace Your Right To Be Happy, Centered, & Peaceful No Matter What

Tapping Into The Wisdom Of Your Discontent Simply Requires Conscious Practice! Here Is Your Opportunity To Get Your Brain Rewired & Unconscious Mind Onboard!

You already know Ragini & Robin.  You already know the basic tools and attitudes offered by this unique combination of:

  1. The Enneagram of Paradox
  2. The Fundamentals of Mystic Psychology
  3. The Facticity 6-Step Process

Your twice-a-month 90-minute mastermind will support, sharpen, and deepen your ability to access and draw out the wisdom of your discontent in all 6 major categories of human experience:  

  1. Happiness
  2. Relationships
  3. Success
  4. Power
  5. Purpose
  6. Faith

How Is A Mastermind Different From A Class?

A mastermind group is the 'coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.'

It is said that when a group of minds come together, they essentially create an unseen, powerful force - a mastermind. 

Although Robin & I are creating the group, a mastermind is not a class.

The goal & stated purpose of this mastermind is to strengthen our ability to move beyond polarization by recognizing it when in play, and then drawing on the wisdom of mystic psychology, the Enneagram of Personality/Objective Perspectives, and the Facticity 6-Step Process.

When you're part of this kind of mastermind, you're tapping into the strength of a group network. This means your problem-solving capabilities & decision-making capabilities instantly expand.

This happens because there's a group of like-minded individuals with the same goal supporting you. By offering your feedback, suggestions, solutions, and your own experience with the issue, everyone finds easier access to recreating their emotional balance and presence in the face of life's unrelenting unresolvable dilemmas. 

We Invite You To Sign Up Now As We Only Have Room For 10 People 


WHEN:              1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month
LOCATION:        Zoom
TIME:                 3 to 4:30 PST
                          4 to 5:30 MST
                          5 to 6:30 Central
                          6 to 7:30 Eastern
START DATE:    November 1st

Now Is The Time To Honor Your Call To Action

Polarization is running rampant with stress & discontent at an all-time high. You now know there is a way through the polarizations - your own and others.  There is a path that leads you through the experience of feeling polarized & back to feeling balanced. There is a pathway through all the dilemmas that force you to pick one side to the total exclusion of the other. 

All that is needed is an understanding of what is happening. You now have that understanding.  All that's left is to keep this awareness alive and well. And, most importantly, make that understanding into your own embodied wisdom and experience. .

A Small Investment With Enormous Impact For A Happier More Mindful Journey

Keep Rewiring Your Brain & Reprogramming Your Unconscious Mind! Practice Is The Key & It's Always Easier With Others To Support Your Conscious Efforts.

Let The Wisdom Of Your Discontent Guide You To A Happier, More Conscious & More Workable Daily Life

Give Yourself This Gift Today