"All I want is for you to be happy."

Have you ever said this yourself? Or had someone say it to you? It's an honest sentiment. But more complicated than it seems. Here's the rub. The problem isn't that happiness isn't available to us right now - it's just not hiding out where we're looking.

Join Our Upcoming Masterclass on September 11th -- SEIZING SERENITY IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS

Our Complimentary 90-minute Masterclass On September 11th Will Show You Why You Will Want To Explore Our 3-Month Course Beginning September 17th. Discover Why Happiness Is Always Just A Shift Of Attention Away!

Why True Happiness Comes From The Inside Out

Happiness rests in deciding how to experience what comes your way in life. Believe it or not, YOU are the one in charge. You will learn how to raise your "happiness set-point" so you can discover more happiness, no matter what comes your way.

Happiness Should Be Easy! Not Hard!

Once you know where happiness hides out, it's easy to find it. All you have to do is go INSIDE and shift your point of view. It's as easy as that shift from wanting an ice cream cone to going and getting one. You just need to know the location of the nearest ice cream shop. If you know how to get there, your desire can easily be fulfilled.

Did You Know There Are 3 Kinds Of Happiness?

  • Go-Get-It Happiness (comes from the outside)

  • Happiness For No Reason (comes from the inside)

  • Both/And Happiness (bridges the gap between outside & inside happiness)

  • You Will Learn About All 3 And MORE!


  • What are you going to teach me?

    You will learn HOW to embrace two very powerful ways to be happy regardless of what is unfolding in your life.

  • Are these theories or proven outcomes?

    You will be able to test for yourself because you learn two specific processes: 1) the 7 Step process for how to happy for no reason 2) the 6 Step process for how to be happy, centered, & peaceful no matter what comes your way.

  • Is it really possible to be happy for no reason and no matter what comes your way?

    You're going to learn HOW to embody the guidance we've been given from those members of our species who have already mastered this challenge of feeling happy in a world filled with constant uncertainty, never-ending change, and the ever-present possibility of chaos and volatility. If any members of our species have learned how to do this, then anyone who wants to follow in their footsteps can also learn how.

  • Is this something I can do quickly or is it going to take a long time?

    Like all new learnings, it requires practice so your brain and your unconscious mind can learn the steps and the rhythm to this new dance of being happy because you will have the power and now, the skill, to make this amazing and freeing choice that can change everything.

What Past Students Are Saying

Happy Results Are In!

“"If you are ready to raise your Happiness set-point, Susan will guide and inspire you with all the tools you will need. The content is scientific and researched based and set in an easy-to-follow format. Susan’s presentation of the course is done with ease and humour to motivate you to find true Happiness “from the Inside – Out. ”

“I really appreciated Susan Janzen’s workshop Happy for No Reason. I was amazed to learn how I can be happy from the inside out and all the techniques and practices that I have already incorporated into my daily routine. I highly recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to be happier family."”

““This training with Ragini Elizabeth Michaels is for you if you ever find yourself stuck—whether it’s your job, your spouse, your health, or your money. This is the only training you will need to stay happy, centered and peaceful no matter what is going on around you, and paradoxically, find yourself with more of what you really want. I highly recommend it.””

““Understanding that both the good and the bad have to exist and having tools to manage that fact, altered how I interact with others and myself. It made a quantum shift in my life and my happiness. A true gift! Thank you, Ragini.””

“Ragini is marvelous, and so are her 6 Steps. My life reoriented from a struggle to a new felt sense of unity—even with all my irritating quirks. I received more than I could have imagined, and gained a home in a more workable and friendly universe!”

“Susan presents Evidence based perspectives and practices for happiness with competence, warmth, and open heartedness. She walks her talk, sharing her story with courage and authenticity. I’m grateful for Susan and her classes which offer a safe place to share and grow.”

What You Will Learn

Precise Guidance To The Home Of Happiness

  • The 7-Step Process to Building and Living From Within Your Inner Home For Happiness. Based on the Happiness For No Reason book by Marchi Shimoff and presented by Susan, certified trainer of this material.

  • The 6-Step Process for How To Become Unflappable. Based on Ragini's original work showcased in her book Unflappable: 6-Steps To Staying Happy, Centered, & Peaceful No Matter What. 

  • A deepening understanding and in-depth exploration of the pros and cons of Go-Get-It Happiness - why we do it, why it works, why it doesn't, and how to use its drive to serve rather than disappoint. 

Course Details

  • The course meets once a week on Tuesday mornings from 8 am to 10 am PST (9 am to 11 MST, 10 am to noon pm CST, 11 to 1 pm EST).  

  • We begin on September 17th and continue for 12 weeks through December 3rd

  • Every Group Coaching Masterclass is recorded and downloadable, along with the audio recording. These will live on the course platform hosted by Thinkific.

  • You will have 24-hour access to both Susan and Ragini via email or text. Just give them 24 hours to get back to you with the answer to your question.

  • Beautiful downloads for your convenience, including a workbook and quotes to guide and inspire. 

5 Big Benefits From These New Routes To Happiness

  • A MORE SUSTAINABLE HAPPINESS - External factors change. You can't count on them continuing. Accessing happiness from within offers you a more sustainable source of joy that's not dependent on what's unfolding externally.

  • A FEELING OF EMPOWERMENT - Understanding the source of happiness rests within empowers you to take charge of your emotional balance & sense of well-being. You develop the tools and mindset to generate a happiness mindset, giving you a sense of agency and self-mastery.

  • GREATER EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE - When you're connected with your inner guidance, you're able to navigate the emotional challenges with broader perspectives & thus, greater access to grace under fire. You bounce back from adversity with greater ease and calm.

  • ENHANCED RELATIONSHIPS - When you feel happy and at peace with yourself, you tend to relate to others with greater empathy and kindness. This can strengthen your relationships with those you love, deepening intimacy and fostering mutual support.

  • EXPANDED SELF-AWARENESS - As you explore your inner world more carefully, you gain insights into what will bring you satisfaction and that sense of contentment with what you have. You increase your ability to make choices that align more closely with your values and authentic self, granting you a greater sense of purpose and meaning.


Support For Easier Access To Your Happiness

  • Mp3 - Answers Rest Within

    This Mp3 is designed to speak to your unconscious mind, soothing and guiding its quest for happiness by directing it to go within. A hypnotic guided meditation with Ragini's soothing voice and original music that calls your soul to relax and learn.

  • Unlimited Text & Email

    You can send pressing questions you need an answer to via text or email to either Susan or Ragini. They will do their best to reply within 24 hours. This allows you to build your relationship with both presenters and learn as much as you can from each.

  • FOUR PRIVATE Sessions

    TWO with Ragini and TWO with Susan. A private conversation with the presenters is always valuable. Get your private concerns on the table and receive the guidance you've been wanting but didn't want to ask for in the group.

Susan Janzen

Living & Loving Each Day Podcast

From a seasoned singer to an educator and a thriving realtor, Susan Janzen's journey is a symphony of accomplishments and empowerment. As the host of the "Living and Loving Each Day" podcast, she brings her inspiring experiences to the forefront, sharing wisdom to uplift and motivate. She is a certified trainer of the Happy For No Reason program created by Marci Shimoff and outlined in her book of the same name.

Susan Janzen


Ragini Elizabeth Michaels

Unflappable: 6 Steps To Staying Happy, Centered, Peaceful No Matter What

Internationally acclaimed trainer of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and Ericksonian-Style Hypnosis, author of 5 books including "Unflappable - 6 Steps To Staying Happy, Centered, Peaceful No Matter What", and creator of The Enneagram of Paradox: Bridging Your Personality's Story & Your Soul's Truth. Ragini has run a successful private practice as a Behavior Change Specialist, Coach, and Consciousness/Mindfulness Mentor for over 4 decades.

Ragini Michaels
[email protected]

Discover The Road To True Happiness

Do you want to overcome barriers to happiness and cultivate a more fulfilling and joyful life?

Then This Is Your Opportunity To Discover True Happiness: 

Unlock the secrets to creating genuine happiness from the inside out.  

Learn how to cultivate a mindset that fosters joy and fulfillment, regardless of external circumstances.

Persistent negative thinking can create a barrier to the happiness you seek.     

Learn to change your Perspective and be Happy for No Reason and No Matter What Comes Your Way.

Your Investment In Greater Happiness & Peace Of Mind

Take Advantage Of The Early Bird Discount By Midnight PST on September 12th & Save $500. At Checkout, Use the CREATEHAPPINESSNOWDISCOUNT code. Or Take Advantage of the 6-Payment Option at $633 per month