A Free 90 Minute Workshop - February 6th - 4 pm PST

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  • 1 lesson
  • 0 hours of video content

Meet Ragini & Robin LIVE In This NEW & Eye-Opening FREE Masterclass



    On February 6th, 2024 at 4 pm PST, Ragini and Robin are offering a FREE, 90 Minute, LIVE Masterclass to explore the answer to the question: "Who's Running The Show Today? Your Human Self Or Divine Self? How Do You Know? 3 New Ways The Enneagram Can Lead You To Your Answer"

  • Get Familiar With The NEW Enneagram Of Paradox!

    The Enneagram of Paradox combines the power of Ragini's original model of mystic psychology with the wisdom and guidance of the Enneagram of Personality/Holy Ideas. They then added in the magic of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) to lay down the new neural pathways required for peaceful living as both a human being and a divine being simultaneously.

  • We Would Love To See You There!!

    Ragini & Robin have both spent years exploring the riches of the Enneagram and NLP. Adding in their decades of spiritual exploration culminates in a rich and deep offering for how to claim the next emerging challenge of spiritual living with an eye for the reality of paradox - what that is, what it means, how to do it, and why it is essential to finding the love and peace of mind now critical to moving you into the consciousness of compassionate neutrality and moving our world beyond its expanding and devastating polarization.

Our Gift To You

Discover More About the Enneagram Of Paradox In This LIVE, FREE Masterclass!